Episode 32
Mastro's Ocean Club
In this episode of Fine Dining: The Search for the Most Mediocre Restaurant in America:
The You-Must Bowl forces Michael to wear a suit made entirely of Pokémon cards to Mastro's Ocean Club | Garrett details the history of Mastro's in Resty Fact Round-Up (Yeehaw!) | Learn about Japanese vs. American wagyu, and the different classifications of beef grading | Hands-down the greatest service experienced so far on this podcast | Romantic music puts Michael and Garrett in a mood | JUB will recalibrate your ratings scale | Alcohol served with...interesting implements
Picked by: VyVy
Location: Newport Beach, CA
You-Must Bowl: Michael must wear a suit made of Pokemon cards
Hosts: Michael Ornelas and Garrett Zwerk
Music by: James McEnelly
Theme Song by: Kyle Schieffer